Otherland MMO Wikia
Otherland MMO Wikia


Hidden in the lowest slums of Lambda Mall, the Bad Sector is a place for hackers, gang members and other individuals of questionable reputation. Unlike the shiny Lambda Mall Concourse this is an old, deteriorated and dangerous area that no-one visits without a loaded weapon at the ready.

Additional Information[]

Quests in the Bad Sector[]

Tutorial - Rozzie's Gang Hideout[]

Num Quest Name Start End Exp Currency Reward
1 Falling from the skies Entering Portal Cutscene 10 6 bits
2 Kidnap and Sell SweetieCheng SweetieCheng 5 1 bit Armor: Legs
3 Knock him out SweetieCheng SweetieCheng 10 6 bits Mini Recovery Capsule: T1
4 Something to fight with SweetieCheng SweetieCheng 16 8 bits
5 Rebellion of the kidnapped SweetieCheng SweetieCheng 16 8 bits Shoes
6 Break out Laygolahz15 Laygolahz15 16 8 bits
7 Run for it Breaking down the door SweetieCheng 24 9 bits Head Armour
8 A hard knock Laygolahz15 Laygolahz15 54 13 bits Weapon
9 Old fashion talking Laygolahz15 Renie 9 2 bits
10 Vengeance Renie Renie 27 12 bits Mini Recovery Capsule: T1 x5
11 Leave and never return Renie Renie 9 2 bits Lambda Mall Portal Key

Main Story Quests[]

Num Quest Name Start End Exp Currency Reward
Main Story continues here from the Lantern District
1 Plague in the Taxi The Plague The Plague 203 44 bits Mini recovery capsule T3 x5
2 Defending The Plague The Plague The Plague 101 8 bits Armor - shoes
3 Talking With the Gangs The Plague Mr. Tim 304 52 bits
4 The Leaders Right Hand Mr. Tim Timmy 304 52 bits
5 A World of Bugs Renie Bastel 116 exp 9 bits Portal key to Bug World
The story now sends you off to Bug World after you've seen the admins again

Quests on Your Return from the Oyster House[]

Num Quest Name Start End Exp Currency Reward
1 ShadowProxy (Quest) Hacker ShadowProxy 72000 307 bits
2 Hack them all ShadowProxy ShadowProxy 72000 307 bits Gloves
3 GangH4ck ShadowProxy Hacker 144000 358 bits Choice of weapon
4 Next apartment Hacker Completes automatically 30000 52 bits
5 The orphans in need Colin Colin 60000 264 bits Chest armour
6 Relase plan! Colin Colin 60000 264 bits
7 Simple paper ColinColin Colin 60000 264 bits
8 Bazaar papers Colin Renie 60000 264 bits
9 To the red planet Renie Completes automatically 30000 52 bits Mars Portal Key

Hidden quests :- (the NPC is hidden in a warehouse in the lower bad sector.) I think this is either left over from a previous build or a glitch as you can't accept the quest.

Num Quest Name Start End Exp Currency Reward
1 The bodyguard leader Simuloid4207 1500 72 bits Class appropriate armor - Head wear